My future world. The world I dream about.
My world of the future is one where there is abundant electricity, water and food. And where their prices are tending to zero. Imagine if people didn't need to worry about electricity, water and food and if they didn't need to be concerned with health, clothing, shelter and transport? Imagine what type of world we could live in? I have the answers for how to make this happen, and even though they seem far-fetched, they are possible, and I will do my bit to make it happen. It's not just about being Self-Sufficient. It's much more than that. It's about being Community-Sufficient.
Imagine if it was possible to get everyone who wanted to be employed, employed in South Africa? Imagine if this was possible in a very short amount of time? Less than five years and may be as little as two years! South Africa would explode. Not negatively, but with so much positive energy. Crime will be a thing of the past, although I expect that there will always be petty crime. And opportunistic crime. And then there are the people who talk on their cell phones in their cars, overtake on solid white lines, and are potential criminals at work when they take paper or a pen from work without asking for it.
There is a lot that needs to be done. And after 20 years of learning how to make this happen and having a beautiful house in Milnerton that is my R&D central, I am ready to make this happen.
The first stage is The Block and the Building Blocks to make The Block happen. The Block is here right where I live. It is an opportunity for
Mandelaton. It is the opportunity for a group of people, or a
community of people, to dramatically and quickly (logarithmically) take advantage of the low-hanging fruit to get to a point where transport is free, communication is free, electricity is free, water is free, food is free, and we already have houses, but perhaps they are bonded to third parties called banks and perhaps we can "bond" each other in a cooperative bank where we share our resources, but in a sustainable way which includes corporate governance principles.
And so, how does one get free electricity? How does one fix Eskom? How does one fix a broken water system? How does one create full employment in a country where 50%+ of people under 35 are unemployed? And perhaps they are "unemployable", but this is in the current economic system, where we have been socialised, or brainwashed into believing in scarcity, that we can't and are small.
And yet, so many coaches, trainers, motivational speakers, and some leaders are saying there is a better way. We are all heavily involved in "self-help" but what are we helping when what actually happens is that a smaller and smaller group of people are becoming richer and richer, and we, the people, are becoming more and more dependent on them?
Perhaps for a few hundred years, we just haven't seen this. The world has been growing. And as the population grows, the need for services and factories grows. Initially, people's personal power was needed to run those factories, but those factories have been automated. So many of the blue-collar workers' jobs are automated. And this is in textiles, farm and food production, mining, and now it is moving into white-collar jobs, automated call centres, doctors, and so many things.
And to some extent, this is a good thing. But it is only good if we make sure that the current Pharaoh doesn't change from being good-natured into a tyrant. Already some of the Software as a Service companies have started putting their prices up and making their goods unaffordable, and what can people do? They have moved into the Cloud. It seemed cheaper, but is it? Were mainframes cheap? If they were, why did client-server arrive? The Cloud of today is The Mainframe of yesterday. The internet is supposed to be free. It is paid for by service providers, but those providers shouldn't be allowed to lock one into paying bigger and bigger amounts every month for services, especially when one could have provided those services "on-premise" cheaper!
There is always an opportunity to look after oneself, but the newest opportunity is to look after oneself in a community, but without the possibility of being yoked, without the possibility of becoming a slave, without the possibility of one's life being corrupted and one's life is controlled and manipulated by another.
Every morning, I thank God for being freed from that dark place, Mitzrayim, Egypt, in English. Every morning, I thank God for Him Redeeming us, for buying us out of slavery.
And we need to remember this. A lot is at stake. We can make a difference in our lives, but we must be prepared to put time into ourselves. We need to be prepared to put as much time into our oxygen, health, food, electricity, water, and environment as we put into watching sport. This is a tremendous challenge, and I am up for it.
Will you join me?